Namazu full text search (oblivion.z49.org)


TES5:Skyrim TES4:Oblivion TES3:Morrowind
2ch log
2ch log
2ch log

Query: [How to search] [Popular querries]

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Game Category Last update Total Documents (Total Threads) Total Keywords
skyrim 2ch Main Talk 2015-03-02 (Mon) 02:26:09 391,781 (391) 1,266,230
Q&A 2015-03-02 (Mon) 02:24:06 137,274 (137) 573,171
Mod 2014-12-01 (Mon) 01:29:45 71,123 (71) 326,228
SS 2015-02-03 (Tue) 01:48:59 55,096 (55) 281,547
Spec 2014-10-31 (Fri) 23:20:01 18,001 (18) 103,263
X-rated 2015-03-02 (Mon) 02:26:52 94,531 (95) 431,215
Dev 2014-09-01 (Mon) 02:53:38 11,993 (12) 78,639
Misc 2013-01-03 (Thu) 23:21:08 1,972 (2) 22,105
wiki Skyrim Wiki JP 2015-07-31 (Fri) 19:29:05 676 (---) 68,809
oblivion 2ch Main Talk 2015-03-02 (Mon) 02:23:09 163,313 (163) 645,147
Q&A 2015-02-03 (Tue) 01:45:05 174,494 (175) 686,231
SS/MOD 2013-12-28 (Sat) 02:21:35 213,426 (213) 840,729
Spec 2013-08-30 (Fri) 23:43:25 29,652 (30) 173,758
X-rated 2014-07-01 (Tue) 00:00:40 145,106 (148) 581,518
Dev 2012-03-25 (Sun) 15:44:13 9,858 (10) 87,827
Movie 2011-10-15 (Sat) 19:02:56 5,998 (6) 49,213
Misc 2014-01-24 (Fri) 22:58:26 17,901 (19) 120,179
Junk 2011-10-15 (Sat) 17:03:25 5,010 (5) 43,151
wiki Oblivion Wiki JP 2015-07-31 (Fri) 19:28:43 672 (---) 87,992
Oblivion Localization Wiki 2015-07-31 (Fri) 19:24:03 2,221 (---) 297,258
Oblivion Mod Localization wiki 2015-07-31 (Fri) 19:28:13 7,825 (---) 423,287
morrowind 2ch Main Talk 2014-03-30 (Sun) 15:09:41 49,760 (53) 263,119


Single term query

This query specifies only one term for retrieving all of the documents which contain that term, for example:


AND query

This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all of the documents which contain both terms. Insert the and operator between the terms, e.g.

Linux and Netscape

You can omit the and operator. Terms which are separated by one ore more spaces are assumed to be an AND query.

OR query

This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all documents which contain any one term. Insert the or operator between the terms, e.g.

Linux or FreeBSD

NOT query

This query specifies two or more terms for retrieving all of the documents which contain a first term but do not contain the following terms. Insert the not operator between the terms, for example:

Linux not UNIX


You can group queries by surrounding them by parentheses. The parentheses should be separated by one or more spaces. e.g.

( Linux or FreeBSD ) and Netscape not Windows

Phrase searching

You can search for a phrase that consists of two or more terms by surrounding them with double quotation marks or braces such as "..." and {...}. In Namazu, the precision of phrase searching is not 100 %, so wrong results may occasionally occur. Example:

{GNU Emacs}

Substring matching

The are three types of searching by substring matching.

Prefix matching
inter* (terms which begin with inter)
Inside matching
*text* (terms which contain text)
Suffix matching
*net (terms which terminated with net)

Regular expressions

You can use regular expressions for pattern matching. The regular expressions must be surrounded by slashes like /.../. Namazu uses Ruby's regular regular expressions engine. It generally offers a Perl compatible flavor. e.g.,


Field-specified searching

You can limit your search to specific fields such as Subject:, From:, Message-Id:. This feature is especially convenient for Mail/News documents, for example:


This search system is powered by Namazu v2.0.18
